3990 Rue Jarry E, Suite L, Montréal, QC H1Z 0A5
The Rosemont travel & vaccination clinic is conveniently located at 3990 Rue Jarry E, Suite L and is easily accessible for patients in Villeray, Jean Talon and Rosemont. Clinique du Voyageur by Summit Health is located in the 3990 rue Jarry Est Centre des Affaires/Business Centre, with the entrance on 22e Avenue.
Blood Testing: Summit Health offers blood tests through CDL Laboratories. We offer not only travel-specific blood tests for covid and hepatitis antibodies but other blood tests for general health needs (e.g., thyroid, fertility, diabetes).
Travel Consultations: The Summit Health team specializes in travel health and will make recommendations for precautions to take during your trip, vaccinations to take pre-travel and medications to bring with you. Each case is different (traveller & trip) so it is important to consult with a professional who will make recommendations specific to your case. This way you can travel with peace of mind.
Private & Routine Vaccinations. – The Rosemont travel & vaccination clinic offers private vaccines not covered by the RAMQ such as Shingles, Gardasil and Prevnar 20.
We are the clinic of choice for family physician referrals in Rosemont, Villeray, Jean-Talon, and Saint-Michel.
TRAVEL CONSULTATIONS AT THE Rosemont Vaccination & Travel Clinic
We prepare our travellers to avoid illnesses like hepatitis A and mosquito-borne diseases like Japanese Encephalitis. Our doctors can prescribe anti-malarial medication and make sure you’re up to date on routine immunizations. During a consultation, one of our travel health professionals will:
- Assess your childhood immunization records and your medical history.
- Explain the risks of exotic diseases and any ongoing outbreaks in your destination.
- Discuss and administer vaccinations against polio, hepatitis A, and other common diseases and prescribe the required medications.
- Address all your possible travel health inquiries.
We help all types of travelers to see the world, safely: volunteers on aid trips to India, business consultants heading to China or backpackers travelling to Brazil.
Our advice is distinct and custom-built to your health and type of journey.
DIRECTIONS TO The Rosemont Vaccination & Travel Clinic