Cardiovascular disorders and travel

TRAVELING SAFELY WITH CARDIOVASCULAR PROBLEMS A cardiovascular disease, if it is stable and under control, is not a contraindication to travel and shouldn’t stop the victim to enjoy pleasant holidays. However, some precautions must be taken, before the departure and while traveling. CHOOSING THE RIGHT DESTINATION Victims of cardiovascular troubles must choose a destination adapted … Read more

Jet lag and sleep

HOW TO STOP JET LAG FROM RUINING YOUR HOLIDAYS ? When traveling, it is important to take jet lag into account, as it can have serious effects on your biological clock. It may even ruin a part of your holidays… Be aware that your organism will need several days to adjust to the new time … Read more

Constipation while traveling

CONSTIPATION, AN ANNOYING TRAVEL ISSUE… Traveling inevitably includes stressful events, like delayed or canceled flights, long stopovers, lost luggage, jet lag and radical environment and diet changes… All these events are affecting the organism and can lead to constipation, which is a frequent problem among travelers. However, if you carefully plan your trip and foresee … Read more

Bedbugs and travel

AVOID BEDBUGS WHILE TRAVELING After having disappeared for years, bedbugs are back, for the great misfortune of travelers… As their name suggests, these insects live in beds and bedding. They are commonly found in backpacker hostels and other budget accommodation, though they can also occur in more expensive hotels. They are parasites feeding on human … Read more

Staying healthy at sea

AVOID HEALTH PROBLEMS WHILE ON A BOAT Spending holidays on a cruise ship is a memorable experience. However, to fully enjoy your holidays, you should always be careful of the health issues which could occur on a boat, like seasickness and Noroviruses (which have been quite common on cruise ships lately). The main precautions to … Read more

Travel anxiety

HOW TO ENJOY RELAXED HOLIDAYS ? The main purposes of holidays are to relax, to escape your everyday stress and to recharge your batteries. However, many people experience anxiety before they actually arrive at their holiday destination. This anxiety is mostly due to the fear of the unknown. But not foreseeing everything is also part … Read more

Mindful eating and travel

WATCH THE CALORIES YOU CONSUME WHILE TRAVELING ! While traveling, we tend to forget to follow our usual healthy diet. In the airport, in the plane, on the road… We are always on the rush and we usually choose the easiest and cheapest solution : eating in fast food restaurants. Yet, it is widely known … Read more


CHIKUNGUNYA : THE RISKS FOR THE TRAVELERS INTENDING TO GO TO REUNION ISLAND Reunion Island has been severely affected by a chikungunya outbreak in 2005 and 2006. This was one of the first chikungunya outbreaks in the Indian Ocean. This viral mosquito-borne disease was affecting more than one third of the population of the island … Read more

Traveler’s diarrhea

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT TRAVELER’S DIARRHEA Also known as “turista”, traveler’s diarrhea affects between 60 and 80% of travelers. The areas the most at risk of turista are the countries where the levels of hygiene and food safety are very low, and where the water and sanitation infrastructures are inadequate. Most of the … Read more

Parasites and travel

SHOULD YOU WORRY ABOUT PARASITES WHEN TRAVELING ? Many micro-organisms are living in our body. Most of them are useful and even indispensable for our life, like the bacteria found in our digestive track, which enable us to digest our food. But some other tiny organisms which call the human body “home” can be very … Read more
