Azerbaijan Travel Vaccines and Advice
Country of contrasts, Azerbaijan lies at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. This former Soviet Republic is today largely ruled by oil industry, and the vast deserted areas surrounded by derricks found along the Caspian Sea sometimes give the country a singular Far West atmosphere. In the fast growing capital, Baku, fascinating ancient historical sites are now ringed by newly built modern skyscrapers. But just a few hours drive away from the cosmopolitan metropolis, the change of scenery is striking. The rest of the country is covered with stunning natural landscapes made of plateaus, valleys, mud volcanoes and timeless rural villages lost in the Caucasus mountains.
We make every effort to ensure that the information posted on our website is up to date-and accurate according to the latest public health recommendations; however, it is impossible for us to make changes on a daily basis.
For the most current travel health recommendations, please call our clinic as make an appointment with one of our travel health professionals.
Hepatitis A | Recommended for all travelers. |
Hepatitis B | Recommended for all travelers. |
Tetanus – Diphteria – Pertussis Vaccine |
Tetanus: In exceptional circumstances (eg, stay in a region where access to health care is limited), for a person aged 18 years or older, 1 dose of DT may be given if 5 years or more has elapsed since the last dose. Pertussis (Whooping Cough): 1 dose is recommended for pregnant women, for every pregnancy, regardless of immunization history and the interval since the last dose (betwen week 26 and 32). *Only applicable for Quebec. |
Measles – Rubella – Mumps | Two doses recommended for all travelers born after 1970, if not previously given. |
Flu – Influenza | Seasonal influenza occurs worldwide. The flu season usually runs from November to April in the northern hemisphere, between April and October in the southern hemisphere and year round in the tropics. Influenza (flu) is caused by a virus spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing or by touching infected surfaces. Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine yearly. Vaccine is recommended 14 days prior to departure. |
Routine vaccines (dCaT, Polio, Meningococcal, Shingles, Pneumococcal, Hepatitis B, HPV, MMR & Varicella) | Recommended for all travelers |
Lyme disease | Presence. All travellers should protect themselves against tick bites. |
Transmission, Symptoms and Prevention – Rabies | For travelers at high risk of animal bites or being involved in activities with bats, dogs and other mammals. Clients who plan to visit remote areas may consider receiving this vaccine. Important to note the pre-exposure rabies vaccine is administered in 2 doses with one week interval between doses. Post-exposure vaccination is always recommended, even for those previously vaccinated. |
Turista – Traveler’s Diarrhea (ETEC) | Talk to your health care professional about the risks and precautionary measures to take, as well as the Dukoral® vaccine. Important to note that the Dukoral vaccine is an oral vaccine given in 2 doses, recommended at least 2 weeks prior to departure. |
Acetazolamide/Dexaméthasone | Recommended to prevent Acute mountain sickness (AMS). |
Antibiotics Traveler’s Diarrhea | Azithromycin or Suprax |
It is very hard to find private hospitals in Azerbaijan. Most of the health facilities in the country are public and were built during the Soviet era. Nowadays, they are dilapidated and the medical equipment is archaic. As a result, health care in Azerbaijan is of very poor quality. However, visitors should be aware that it is possible to receive good medical care following Western standards in a few private clinics in Baku, like the Central Clinical Hospital (+994 12 921 092) and the German Medical Center (+994 12 493 7354). You can also go to International SOS (493-7354), which is accessible by appointment, except for emergencies. These few establishments have modern and quality medical equipment.
In case of emergency, call the Central Clinical Hospital at 492-10-92 or International SOS at 493-73-54 or 493-40-89.
Drug importation and commercialization are not strictly controlled in Azerbaijan. Medicines here are not reliable and they can be very expensive. Note that quality medicines can be found at International SOS. It is strongly advised that you bring your personal complete medical kit.
The Nagorno-Karabakh region, along the border with Armenia, is a heavily mined area. There are numerous landmines and unexploded ordnance.
Emergency services
In case of emergency, dial:
- police: 102
- medical assistance: 103
- firefighters: 101
The Police Office of Crimes By and Against Foreigners offers service in English. You can reach the office at +944 12 590 9966.